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Návštěvníkům 3x zdar!

Pokračujeme v procvičování jednoduchých krátkých vět, které studenti sami vymysleli a napsali. Téma bylo stejné jako minule, tedy: „Oblíbená barva a proč?“

Tak si vyzkoušejte, jestli tam najdete nějakou drobnůstku, či velkou hrubku? A nebo.. Vám to přijde úplně správné?

„My favourite colour is black because this colour is never dirty. I thing, the colour express something bad, but I don’t know what. I like to see it at the tyres. I like wearing this colour, but only in winter. In summer is it too hot for wearing black clothes.“

„My favorit color is red, becose it is color of love. I like it on the clothes, on the furniture etc. I prefer this color, especially in winter, becose in this time our life is grey. I like wearing this color on boots. In this case every man notice it. I don’t remember, what kind of color I liked when I was a child, because I don’t remember what has happened yesterday.“

„When I was a little child my favourite colour was green. This colour I choosed between two cups. One was blue and other was green. After that was green colour my favourite colour long time. I like green colour mainly in spring, when trees, bushs and grass reason. I like T-shirt this colour.“

A opět se můžete podívat na to, jak jste si vedli. My favourite colour vol.2

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